What We Do in Clinical Research

What We Do in Clinical Research

Since 1969, Celerion has conducted clinical research on medicines designed to treat a wide variety of illnesses and conditions. We have conducted over 6,000 clinical studies historically and in 2012 alone, recruited over 20,000 participants to take part in studies.

Our Research Facilities

Celerion has a large global presence with four state-of-the-art clinics located in Europe and North America. In Europe our clinical facility is located in Belfast, Northern Ireland UK, while in North America our facilities are located in; Lincoln, Nebraska and Phoenix, Arizona.

We have the largest global clinical capacity in the medical community of more than 750 beds, efficient bioanalytical laboratories to analyze samples collected in our clinics and an experienced scientific team to design studies and develop clinical protocols as well as data management and analysis.

Our Research & Clinical Studies

All clinical studies are conducted in accordance with North American (e.g. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)) and European (e.g. European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)) regulatory agencies.

Celerion also works very closely with an independent Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Research Ethics Committee (REC) whose primary responsibility is to protect the rights and welfare of study participants. These committees review, monitor and approve all medical research from an ethical and regulatory perspective. The IRB/REC team may include doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, as well as non-scientific individuals. At least one team member should have scientific expertise and at least one member should not have a scientific background. In order to ensure no conflict of interest, the IRB/REC does not include any Celerion employees.

Contact Us To Become a Study Participant

If you would like to consider becoming a study participant, have any questions about clinical research or would like to get more information, please contact us.