Refer-a-Friend and Earn $$

Refer-a-Friend and Earn $$

Through our REFER-A-FRIEND program, if you have participated in a study before, or have not actually participated but have a completed profile in our system, you could earn $50 to $150 (£30 - £100) for each new participant you refer who completes check-in for a study.

The following stipends are now available:

Referral #12345
Referral Stipend$50/£30$75/£45$100/£60$125/£75$150/£100
This referral chart will start over after the fifth referral.

During the registration process, the individual you refer will need to provide the referring individual’s name (your name) and PHID number (your PHID number).  The PHID number is the unique number tied to your participant profile with Celerion.

You will receive your compensation once your referral completes ‘check-in’ to a study. Meaning, he or she has been selected to participate in a clinical study.

Additional requirements of the REFER-A-FRIEND program include:

  • The individual being referred cannot have screened for a study at any Celerion site within the last 6 months.
  • The person making the referral will be compensated when the new participant completes 'check-in' to a study, completes alternate status for a study, or is dropped during a study due to medical reasons.
  • Celerion may change or discontinue the REFER-A-FRIEND program without notice.
  • The individual being referred can only be referred by one person.
  • The individual being referred cannot be an employee of Celerion.
  • The individual being referred must have been referred to Celerion within 60 days of registering for a study.

For more details on the REFER-A-FRIEND program, please contact the Celerion Customer Care Center at:  US 1-866-445-7033 or UK 02890 554000.

US Monday through Friday between 6am – 8pm (Arizona Time) and Saturday 7am – 1pm (Arizona Time).
UK Monday through Friday between 8am - 5pm (Belfast Time).